While the new board doesn't take office until December 1st we have already begun to work for the betterment of the club. Mary Margret is busy creating our agenda and focus for the board, Don has already been assuming the role of road captain and is very busy with creating a strong calendar of rides for the coming year. Barbara is very busy working on our online presence and I have been overwhelmed with trying to catch up with what is going on in the community. We haven't been present in our communities for the better part of two years and we have a daunting challange to rebuild our presence and involvement.
While we are busy getting everything in order and on track, we have not forgotten that the club is about fun and comaraderie. So we are also looking for ways of bringing all of us together through the cold winter months and beyond in more ways than just riding bikes. And we want to ask you the members what you would like to see from the club and are you willing to pitch in and help make the Bonneville Cycling Club the best d-- club in Utah! So, contact any board member with your ideas and suggestions. Give Debbie a call and offer to help create some social events. GET INVOLVED!!
See you on the road, and remember; Pedal Fast and Laugh Often
Rob Y.
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