Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Congratulations New Board of Directors

Hello BCC, presenting your new board of directors for 2009! Congratulations Mary Margret, Rob Y, Barbara, Debra, Rob P, Dana, Jay, Doug, Brent, Robert, Don and Elizabeth (not pictured).

While the new board doesn't take office until December 1st we have already begun to work for the betterment of the club. Mary Margret is busy creating our agenda and focus for the board, Don has already been assuming the role of road captain and is very busy with creating a strong calendar of rides for the coming year. Barbara is very busy working on our online presence and I have been overwhelmed with trying to catch up with what is going on in the community. We haven't been present in our communities for the better part of two years and we have a daunting challange to rebuild our presence and involvement.

While we are busy getting everything in order and on track, we have not forgotten that the club is about fun and comaraderie. So we are also looking for ways of bringing all of us together through the cold winter months and beyond in more ways than just riding bikes. And we want to ask you the members what you would like to see from the club and are you willing to pitch in and help make the Bonneville Cycling Club the best d-- club in Utah! So, contact any board member with your ideas and suggestions. Give Debbie a call and offer to help create some social events. GET INVOLVED!!
See you on the road, and remember; Pedal Fast and Laugh Often
Rob Y.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New BCC Racing Blog

Interested in racing? Then check out the new BCC Racing Blog that just got created a couple of weeks ago. There's a nice article over there about The Punisher. According to kratka:

In the last few weeks I have been acquainted with The Punisher. This person who calls himself Bill appears to be quite the training guru; he offered great advice during our Huntsville and Midway rides, and had a great plan on specifically what to work on during the rides.

If you want to get some good "schooling" - ok, training - check out their blog and get involved.

The Punisher

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dave Wiens at the 2008 Leadville Trail 100

There's a great video about Dave Wiens, the winner of the 2008 Leadville Trail 100 this summer on the New York Times - see The Man Who Took on Armstrong. According to VeloNews:

Dave Wiens pulled away from Lance Armstrong in the final ten miles of Saturday's Leadville Trail 100 in Colorado, winning the race for the sixth time, in record time.
"The guy that I raced today was not the guy who won the Tours," the modest Wiens said at the finish.
Armstrong accelerated on the Columbine climb — which tops out at over 12,000 feet elevation at the halfway point of the out-and-back race — and broke up a group of ten that had formed in the first half of the race. Wiens matched Armstrong's pace and in a few short miles the two had a five-minute gap over third place, which grew to more than 20 minutes at the 80-mile mark and more than a half hour at the finish.

Eventually, Wiens won the Leadville Trail 100 in 6:45:45, about 13 minutes faster than the record he set last year when he was being pushed by Floyd Landis. Armstrong finished second at 6:47:41.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Enjoying the ride at Tour de Tahoe

The Tahoe gang


Back on September 5th, a group of seven of us departed Salt Lake and headed west to Lake Tahoe to experience one of the most scenic cycling events I have ever ridden. Together with RoquesAnn Fillerup, Bob Renwick, Dana Morgan, Ron Meier, Craig Jacobsen and Jerry Brown we arrived at the "Campground Beside the Lake" in South Lake Tahoe and set up camp.  Rob, Craig, Dana and Roquesann on the Flume Trail

  We spent Saturday morning prepping our bikes for the Sunday ride and picking up our packets. Then it was off to ride the Flume trail for Roxy, Dana , Craig and myself.We had a great ride, although some found the climb in the beginning much more than they bargained for. After that this was a fantastic single track  about two thousand feet above Lake Tahoe with beautiful panoramas of the area. In the meantime Ron, Jerry and Bob took a spin on their road bikes to check out the area and encountered a once in a lifetime face to face with a bear (you will have to ask them about it the next time you meet them on a ride). We all met back up at camp and were treated to an awesome salmon and pasta dinner by Jerry, You have to share your recipe for the salmon Jerry, It was delicious .20080907_0093



Sunday was perfect weather for our outing around the lake. It started out pretty cold in 20080907_0098the morning and then warmed up to a near perfect temperature with a cloudless sky and lots of smiles.  20080907_0106








sadly it was back on the road first thing Monday morning for the journey back to salt Lake but this will be a trip that will stay with me for quite a while. Next year I think we will need to gather a larger group to come on this awesome ride.

See you on the road (or dirt) and don't forget to "Pedal Fast and Laugh Often"

Rob Y.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mary Margaret Williams: Platform for BCC President

“Enjoy the Ride”

Running for office on this platform, Mary Margaret Williams, President; Rob Yuschak, Vice President; Don Williams, Road Captain, Dana Morgan, Secretary, Elizabeth Carter, Treasurer; Debra Kimbrough, Membership; Jay Kirsch, Newsletter, Barbara Applebaum, Web Master; Members at Large: Doug Jensen, Brent Jones, Rob Paull, and Robert Turner.

I am committed to working together with the BCC Board in creating action plans that will address and accomplish the following goals:

*Restore member benefits;
*Provide responsible and transparent management of club finance;
*A newsletter Committee that will ensure a monthly newsletter, containing a variety of articles and information, is delivered on time;
*The Road Captain will work closely with ride leaders in providing a variety of rides for every cyclists’ interest (recreation, touring, racing, fitness, commuting, training, social fun, education and safety);
*The Web Master and Committee will provide up to date information on the web site;
*Member and volunteer recognition;
*Mileage will be posted in a timely manner;
*The Board to re-instate the cash-back rebate for BCC members at club paid events;
*Social events will be offered throughout the season and meetings will be arranged to appeal to the entire membership;
*Advocacy: Re-establish contacts with local government bike committees;
*Education: Offer bike skills classes for new cyclists as well as Road I and Road II courses taught by Certified League Instructors;
*Awards presented at the year end banquet;

Events, web site, and the newsletter will be run by committees in order to spread the workload;
Penny Perkins and Lynda Forbush to return to head LRRH.

Voting will take place at the year end banquet on October 25. Mail in ballots are available upon request from the board. (See web site and/or blog for info on banquet and ballots).

A Board Committed so you can "Enjoy the Ride"

Monday, September 22, 2008

BCC Board Meeting Minutes -- June 11th, 2008

Bonneville Cycle Club
Board of Director’s Meeting
June 11, 2008 7:00pm
Anderson Library
Board Members Present:
John McCool, President BCC
Jerry Bergosh, VP BCC
Tim Shea, Roadcaptain BCC
Lyle Phleps, Treasurer BCC
Dana Morgan, Secretary BCC
Beth Williams, Membership BCC
Raleigh Fehr, Webmaster BCC
Travis Fisher, Newletter BCC
Jay Lepreau, Member-at-Large BCC
Brent Jones, Member-at-Large BCC
Ron Paull, Member-at-Large BCC
Board Members Absent: none
Steve Mason, Captain BCC Racing Team
Matt Killborn

Review Minutes and Approve:
John McCool noted that no one took minutes during the last board meeting (May 2008) and stated that was unfortunate because some key decisions were made, but he stated he will rectify the lack of minutes in the future.

Treasurer’s Report:
Lyle Phelps stated that projected total income from Little Red Riding Hood 2008 would be somewhere around $160,000 and included revenue of $40,000 from clothing sales and $120,000 from approx 2400 rider registrations.

Lyle also reported that approx $72,000 were currently in the BCC “working” account and $30,000 was in the interest bearing account. After more expenses for LR are paid from the working account, more money will be transferred to the interest bearing account.

John also signed a check for $300 to pay for web-development services for the club.

VP Report:
Jerry Bergosh declined a VP report in order to devote more time to Little Red and Ulcer business later in agenda.

Secretary Report:
Dana Morgan will replace Vena Margo as BCC secretary. She stated she plans to post the board meeting minutes on the BCC web-site after the board approves them each month. There was discussion and suggestion that the minutes be distributed to board@bbtc.net for email review and approval within a week after the meeting. The approved minutes would then be posted on the BCC Bulletin Board for Club review and comment.

Membership Report:
Beth Williams reported that BCC membership was down at only 505 members compared to 550 at the same time last year. She reported the number of memberships up for renewal each month but failed to renew as follows:
March 2008 – 47 memberships did not renew: 22 were new 2007 members, 20 returning members
April 2008 - 42 memberships did not renew: 26 were new 2007 members, 21 returning members
Lyle Phelps indicated that he probably had 25 renewals that he had not delivered to Beth.

Newsletter Report:
Travis Fisher reported that he had received no negative comments about the last newsletter that consisted of just the ride schedule. Dana Morgan reported that she did hear some negative comments from BCC club members while on the Little Red ride. There were suggestions to include write-ups of past successful club ride and/or events such as the Moab Spring Retreat, the Touring Outing, Race Results, etc. There was also discussion that it would be good to include such reports prior to big events such as ULCER and agreement that ride news and reports only needs to be included every other month to minimize the time required to produce the newsletter. Jay Lepreau noted that a timely newsletter, perhaps with just the ride calendar, was better to distribute to potential members than none at all.

Webmaster Report:
Raleigh Fehr reported he was going to change the web-site for ULCER. The new BCC store for online registration is up and running.

Members-at-Large Reports:
Ron Paul reported that the over-night bicycle touring event on May 31st had a good turnout with 23 participants.

Jay Lepreau asked John if he was responding effectively to complaints he received from club members and public at large. John responded that he tries to respond to emails but has fallen behind. Jerry reported that Big Bad Wolf had received many “atta-boys”. He suggested that perhaps the club should consider appointing a Communications Director that could perform public relations activities. Dana suggested that the board consider converting current committee/coordinator heads into voting positions on the board of directors so that all interests/committees of the club have a say in decisions. John noted there are currently 14 coordinators/committee heads and that might be too many. Someone suggested that the Race Team and C pace coordinators interests are already represented via the Road Captian board position. The motion was deferred until a written proposal could be formulated and voted on by the board.

Matt Kilborn was introduced as a member-at-large interested in filling Barbara Applebaum’s vacated position. It was noted that Matt had web development skills that he could donate for the benefit of the club. Members noted that Mary Margaret Williams had also expressed interest in filling the vacated position. Raliegh Fehr commented that it was a first for the club – to have more than one member wanting a common position. John McCool noted that perhaps she would be interested in filling the ULTRA position that was still vacant. No action followed the discussion.

Old Business:
Propose change to bylaws to allow minors to become members of Bonneville Cycling Club. Tim Shea reported that the process for changing the bylaws requires approval of the proposed change by the board of directors. Then the proposed change is submitted to the general membership for comments via the newsletter and/or web-site prior to final vote for majority approval by the Board:

Section X. Amendments.
Any club member may propose to the Board a change to the By-Laws. If approved by a majority of the Board, the proposed amendment shall be published on the website and in the next newsletter, and the Board shall consider comments by club members. The proposed amendments are effective if approved as provided in Section IX after the comment period. The amended By-Laws must be posted on the web site in a timely manner. Section IX (Changes to the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws require a positive vote by 2/3 of the entire membership of the Board of Directors.)

There was discussion about requiring a parent/guardian signature for liability release and/or requiring an adult sponsor. A motion was made to vote to approve the proposed change to the bylaws and present to general membership for comment in next newsletter and to post on the web-site. The motion was seconded, a vote was conducted with all in favor and none opposed. Raleigh commented that he had already changed the “Club Info” page on the web-site to indicate that “Family Members under 18 are free”. However, the By-laws and Rider Signup sheets do not yet provide for under-18 membership.

Little Red Download and Recap:
This year Little Red Riding Hood 2008 registration increased 42% over 2007, from 1700 registered riders to 2400 riders. Last year, net income (after expenses) from LR 2007 was reported as $22,600 from all activities (registration, clothing sales, corporate/private donations, and silent auction). $17,000 of the net income was donated to Huntsman Cancer Institute. Jerry noted the donation amount equated to $10 per registered rider. This year, LR 2008 is expected to net somewhere between $45,000 and $50,000 before donation. Total revenue from LR2008 was $160,000 with $110,000 from rider registration, $40,000 from clothing sales and $10,000 from corporate and private donations/sponsorships. Jerry reported that Nate Wade Subaru and Contender Sports were both private sponsors but that that the club should not disclose the amount of sponsorship to the general membership. He noted that it was difficult to obtain corporate sponsors because the club was organized as a 501 C(4) not-for-profit social club rather than a 501 c(3) not-for-profit charity and therefore corporate sponsors donations were not tax deductible. Jerry indicated that if we donated $10 per rider to Hunstman Cancer from this years ride, BCC should donate $24,000. However, he later revised his recommended donation about down to $20,000 – including sponsor donations directly to Huntsman.

Jerry reported that the “numbers” for ULCER this year do not look as promising as last years “numbers” for a variety of reasons. Jerry noted that ULCER is a very different ride to host and produce than Little Red. He pointed out that the ThanksGiving Piont venue is much more expensive at $4,000 to rent than the LR venue. Also, because ULCER is a co-ed event it just doesn’t generate the same income from clothing sales as a women’s only ride. ULCER has a harder time attracting volunteers and food costs are up over last year. In light of his analysis, Jerry recommended that ULCER be capped at 2,500 registered riders and that registration be increased from $45 to $55 per rider. Income from rider registration would then be projected to be $137,500. (Although Jerry had produced some printed spreadsheets detailing different scenarios for cost-benefit analysis, he did not share those details with the Board in written form so some of my notes may be incomplete or inaccurate.)

Last year, ULCER net income was $10,757 of which $10,000* was donated to the National Kidney Foundation. Because this year’s numbers don’t look so good, Jerry recommended that BCC do not donate any of the proceeds from ULCER to charity. He also proposed a policy change to the BCC board to help secure 100+ volunteers to help produce the ULCER ride. The policy would be to offer FREE registration to next year’s Little Red Riding Hood ride to anyone who volunteered an 8 hour shift. He also proposed that the club offer a free Jersey in addition to the LR free registration if the person volunteered 2 shifts (one shift on Friday and one on Saturday). This policy change would effectively decrease the net proceeds from next year’s Little Red Riding Hood ride by $5,000 - $10,000 to help produce a ride that intends to not donate any of its future proceeds to charity.

New BCC Logo Sticker and Banners
John McCool displayed a sample sticker with the new BCC logo and asked the Board to approve money for 2500 stickers that could be used to promote the club and to be mailed out to new and renewing members. It was unclear if the sticker would be mailed to a member when the renewal notice was sent or after membership was renewed. John asked the Board to approve money to purchase several large banners with the new logo that could be displayed at BCC events and booths. A motion was made and seconded to vote for $400 for stickers and $1000 for banners. All approved and none disapproved.

Special Report and Request
BCC Racing Team captain Steve Mason presented a request for BCC to help support the BCC Racing Team by subsidizing the Race Entry Fees for Racers. He presented a budget that included 9 road races in 2008 – each race fee ranged from $25 - $90 – at a total cost or $420 per racer if they participated in all 9 races of the season. In the budget, lower cost races would be subsidized $25/race rider and the $90 race would be subsidized $45 – for a total estimated support of $265 for a 9 races. Steve estimated that 15 riders per race would participate in each race but noted that some races are more popular than others. His total request for money from BCC to support race team in 2008 would be $3975.00 to pay part of the race fee for each rider plus and additional $505 for coaching clinics that would be open to all club members.

The discussion that followed Steve’s presentation included comments as how the funds would be handled and what the policy would be for each rider to receive financial support. Steve stated that each rider would be required to register and pay the race fees on their own prior to each race. They would have to be a BCC member and wear the BCC Race Jersey. After the race was completed, each racer would then apply for reimbursement. A question was asked, if more or less than the estimated 15 riders participated, how would the money be dispersed? Steve commented that each race was “capped” via the “Total Amount Restricted” column in the spreadsheet that he presented to the board for reviews. Unused funds from each race would carry over to next year. Steve reported the participation for the 4 races Team BCC participated were below the projected 15 riders but hopes that participation will increase.

John McCool played devil’s advocate and asked why such a large amount of money should be used to benefit such a small percentage of the club membership. Steve indicated that he began riding with BBTC to “train” for races such as Lotoja – and then met many riders who also road club rides as part of their training schedule for local and regional races, but once they became seriously interested in racing, they would leave the club and join an official racing team to train and race with. Discussion included a request to post race results in the newsletter and to provide a link to the BCC Racing Google Group from the BCC website. The treasurer noted that any/all sponsorship money for jerseys and such needs to go thru the BCC books. McCool stated that the $4500 would be viewed as “seed” money to help get the racing team going with the expectation that the team will work towards sponsoring their own race and obtaining outside sponsorship. Brent Jones asked a question as to what the club intends to do to support the general membership financially, however no one had any concrete answers. Raliegh Fehr seconded the motion to authorize $4500 from the BCC funds to support the BCC Race Team and called for a vote. All approved the motion, non-opposed.

The meeting adjourned as 9:00pm.

* Although these minutes were approved, later it was clarified -- Last year, ULCER net income was $10,757 after $10,000 was donated to the National Kidney

BCC Board Meeting Minutes -- July 8th, 2008

Bonneville Cycle Club
Board of Director’s Meeting
July 9th, 2008 7:00pm
Sugarhouse Park

Board Members Present:
John McCool, President BBC
Jerry Bergosh, VP BBC
Tim Shea, Roadcaptain BBC
Lyle Phleps, Treasurer BBC
Dana Morgan, Secretary BBC
Beth Williams, Membership BBC
Travis Fisher, Newletter BBC
Jay Lepreau, Member-at-Large BBC
Brent Jones, Member-at-Large BBC
Rob Paul, Member-at-Large BBC
Board Members Absent:
Raliegh Ferr, Webmaster
J. Todd Anderson
Matt Killborn,
Brent Jones

Review Minutes and Approve:
John McCool motioned to vote to approve June’s minutes with modifications from Jay Lepreau. Lyle Phelps seconded the motion to vote. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Lyle reported that approx $95,000 was currently in the BCC “working” account but he expected there was an outstanding amount of $20,000 in checks that still needed to clear from LRRH expenses. Approx $32,000 was in the interest bearing money market account. After more expenses for LR are paid from the working account, more money will be transferred to the interest bearing account, but he did not indicate the amount. Lyle would be doing financials this weekend.

Brent Jones brought up the fact that the club’s bylaws require the President to “prepare and maintain a budget and to exercise financial responsibility for ongoing activities of the club”. Lyle, Jerry, John and Jay all objected and stated that there was no time to prepare a budget. However, Dana pressed Jerry for a high-level budget, stating that there must be some idea of projected revenue and expenses for the year and that it would be nice to have a high-level overview of the club finances so when asked to vote on new financial proposals presented to the board, she had some idea of how the proposal would impact the annual finances. Jerry began to give a high-level overview, but was interrupted by Jay, stating that we were off track. Dana tried to take a few notes but was unable to understand them afterwards.

VP Report:
Jerry Bergosh reported that he had reserved the Anderson Library at 7:00pm for all board meetings for the remainder of the year.

Secretary Report:
Dana Morgan had distributed the minutes from June 2008 to the board. Jay Lapreau responded with minor changes. Dana will incorporate that changes as approved by the board and distribute to the general membership. Dana also expressed concern that without minutes approved by the board from the May meeting there was only “rumor” and individual interpretation as to was what discussed, voted on and approved and without board-approved minutes – was anything actually approved. John said he would write something up from the May meeting and get it to the board for approval.

Membership Report:
Beth Williams reported that BCC membership at only 526 members with 15 new members since last month. Beth also reported that online membership is down considerably since switching from active.com to the BCC store.

May 2008 – 19 of 42 memberships did not renew: 15 were new 2007 members, 4 returning members
June 2008 - 57 of 87 memberships did not renew: 43 were new 2007 members, 14 returning members

Lyle Phelps indicated that he probably had 25 renewals that he had not delivered to Beth.

Newsletter Report:
Travis Fisher reported that the newsletter was at the printer. Members questioned what was the content. Travis indicated the final Touring article and the ride schedule. Jerry commented that without an ULCER article, this month’s newsletter could not be used to help market ULCER and next month’s newsletter would be published after the event. Someone asked how much it cost to publish the newsletter, John responded that for a regular newsletter (membership distribution) it was about $500. However, for a big event newsletter with extended distribution it was around $2000.

Webmaster Report:
Raleigh Fehr was absent – no report.

Members-at-Large Reports:
Rob Paul reported that overnight bicycle ride in Huntington Canyon had ten participants and a good time was had by all.

Jay Lepreau reported that the Salt Lake Tribune had an article reporting that both the mayor and the governor are pushing bicycles and bicycle-friendly communities. He suggested that BCC write a letter to the editor and/or contact a journalist for an article plugging BCC and/or ULCER. Tim noted that the picture that accompanied the article showed a rider wearing an old ULCER jersey.

Brent Jones again brought up the fact that NONE of the 2007 high mileage jerseys have been received by last year’s High Milage recipients. McCool said that was his fault, he simply dropped the ball.

RoadCaptain Report:

New Business:
Nominating Committee:

John McCool reported that the club’s bylaws require him to organize a nominating committee in July’s board meeting. At the end of the meeting the nominating committee members included: John McCool, Lyle Phelps, Jerry Burgosh, Travis Fischer and Brent Jones

Idea for BCC Board and Gear Gurus to Get BCC Visible and “Do Good” – J. Todd Anderson:
Notes from printed email presented at the board meeting: “As I helped sponsor the BCC Racing gear Brent mentioned he also hoped we might be able to put our logo on the BCC gear. I share that interest. My ides would coordinate with this, but take it to the next level in an effort to do three things:
1) Get BCC much more visible by increasing the number of members we have riding in BCC gear, especially at these major rides. We would do this by offering a nice incentive and initially putting them in the hands of many members without any cash outlay on their part.
2) Substaintially increase our presence at Tour de Cure next year and raise a substantial contribution to the American Diabetes Assocation.
3) Increase the visibility of our firm (Capital Confidence Advisors) in the cycling community.
We would do this by offering an incentive to Members who will register in advance for the 2009 Tour de Cure and will commit to raise the minimum of $150 to ride. We would increase the incentive if, for example, they would commit to raise $300.”
This proposal sparked a lively and varied discussion. Todd Anderson said he didn’t know what the price point was, but he would be willing to subsidize the jerseys for a total $2000 contribution. McCool noted that wholesale price for jersey was around $40. Dana noted that while we now have a BCC race team wearing a BCC race jersey while BCC subsidizes race fees, wouldn’t it be nice to form a BCC “Charity-Ride” team – and provide similar benefits to the charity team – i.e help the Charity-team organize charity events (yard sales, hoe-downs, BBQ’s) to raise money for the charity-ride and also help subsidize some of the jersey costs to ride as a team. The question was how do you decide who to subsidize and for how much? That lead to a discussion in which Jerry pointed out that is much less expensive to but hundreds of jerseys than it is to buy just ten or twenty – and that he would like to see every member of the club receive a club jersey, and perhaps raise membership dues to help cover the cost. The discussion branched to perhaps only giving jerseys to those who road at least 3 club rides or to the top 20/25 riders, etc. McCool deferred the discussion (but hopefully not the final decision) to the clothing committee for comment.

Jerry reported that ULCER registration was no longer going through active.com and instead was going through the new BCC store. Jerry asked Jay what he thought of the new process for online registration. Jay commented that he thought it worked well, but it was VERY difficult to FIND any information about ULCER on the Bonneville website. Jerry commented that was a good lead-in for his next motion for discussion (that was not previously on the meeting agenda).
Jerry reported that Raleigh (the club’s current webmaster) was currently out of town on business and was therefore unavailable to help add the ULCER content to the BCC website. Matt Kilborn had graciously volunteered to help, but because the web front-end was not “professionally” developed, it was difficult to find the hooks in which he could easily add new content. He ended up just recently being able to add a new “small” menu item on the left side of the page – titled “ULCER” – and then was able to add a bit of information such as where ULCER would be help, when it would start, how much, how to register and order a jersey, etc. He would have rather added it to the “home” page screen that would be initially displayed when a user first navigated to the site, but given the time constraints and the non-standard application, that was the best he could do.

Jerry pointed out that at this time last year ULCER had 800 registrations – as of the board meeting, only 300 people had registered for ULCER 2008. He had sent out 5500 emails notices to last year’s ULCER and LRRH riders, another 6,500 to REI’s list. 20,000 Postcards (don’t know if this was the number mailed or the cost for Postcards). 11,000 Cycling Utah in June and July issues – again is this the number of magazines or the cost?
Jerry indicated that he thought the number of registered riders was down this year because the ULCER information on our web-site (where, when, how, etc) didn’t exist until recently and it was difficult to find on the site. He thought that while Raleigh had done a great job in developing and supporting the site in the past, the time had come to redo the site using professional services and software packages, so that other club members besides himself could maintain it. Dana indicated that this proposal would need to be carefully researched and analyzed for cost-effectiveness and benefits to the club.
Dana also indicated that perhaps the number of registrations was down due to other reasons such as: no longer using active.com for secure online registration and email reminders, the increased registration fee from $45 to $55, the fact that ULCER was not supporting a major charity such at the National Kidney Foundation this year, or having competition from the Tour De Park City the weekend before ULCER.

Jerry also indicated that he had VERY poor response to his call for volunteers. Gladys Mundolious had stepped up to be volunteer coordinator and Trek of American Fork and REI were helping as sponsors – but there were no rest stop leads, lunch leads, sag drivers, etc. as of yet. Lyle and Jerry had contacted the Boy Scouts of America to see if they were interested in volunteering and no one had responded as of yet. They discussed paying the Scout Troops for their work and they could raise money for troop activities by helping at ULCER.

Jerry also reported that his latest analysis indicated that the break even point for ULCER financially was currently somewhere around 1300 registrations. He also projected that at 2000 riders, ULCER would make $18,000.

Jerry showed the board the ULCER posters and ask that board members take a few to display in neighborhood businesses and bike shops.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 or so.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jay Lepreau - Gone Camping

Jay Lepreau Jay Lepreau, loving father, husband, brother and friend finished his last race Monday morning.  A brilliant computer scientist, avid outdoorsman, champion procrastinator and fanatic bicycle racer, he got caught on his long uphill race against multiple myeloma.  He knew the odds were against a cure, but he and the excellent medical staff at the University of Utah and the Huntsman Cancer Institute fought bravely with everything they had. The family greatly appreciates their efforts.

Jay was born to Dr. Frank J. Lepreau Jr. and Miriam Barwood on Mach 27, 1952.  He grew up in Massachusetts and at the Hospital Albert Schweitzer in central Haiti, where he helped his father treat the impoverished population there.  While there in 1971, he met Caroline Kueneman with whom he established a life-long friendship and 12 years ago married and loved dearly.

Computer science was more than a job for Jay. He was passionate about operating systems. He was a world class and highly published researcher in the areas of network devices and testbeds and other arcane things that baffled the rest of us. We pretty much thought he was up all night reinventing the Internet.

He was passionate and competitive about most things he got involved with. He first saw the redrock country of Southern Utah and loved it enough to move here to work with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance to protect it. A lifelong Quaker and Democrat, he supported causes and candidates that fought poverty, war and injustice.

Jay leaves behind daughter Renee and son Frank  from his previous marriage to Linda Stengel, spouse Caroline, step children Erica and Jordan Kueneman, father Frank Jr., sisters Lucy Ann Lepreau, Judy Keller, Mimi Jose (David) and his friends and his colleagues at the Flux Research Group at the University of Utah.

He is preceded in death by his mother Miriam, sister, Susan O'Neill and former wife Linda.

We could say a lot of things about Jay, but we couldn't ever say when he might actually arrive at any particular event.  More than one of us said, "Jay will probably be late for his own funeral," We hope you won't be late, though. Join us at the Quaker Meeting House at 171 East, 4800 South in Murray, Saturday September 20 at 10:30 AM for Greeting, 11:00 for Memorial Celebration of Jay's life, and 12:00 NOON for refreshments.

Bring your stories and your love to share.

In lieu of flowers, Jay would appreciate donations to the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Southern Utah Parks Self-Supported Tour Report

Too many blogs, too little time...I have written and published pictures of last week's bike tour on my personal blog.  You can read the whole story at http://csoshnik.spaces.live.com/

But here are just a few more pix of the Bonneville folks that didn't make it onto the other blog...mouseover the pix for the names if you don't recognize the faces...

Cheryl Soshnik

Rob, Lynda, Penny

Dave Parmley and Janice Tolhurst

Robin Perkins

Penny Perkins

Rob Paull

Janice Tolhurst

Lynda Forbush and Dave Parmley

Barb Hanson and Tom Walsh

Sunday, September 14, 2008

2008 BCC Board Election

Coming in October 2008! Your chance to vote for a new BCC Board. Running for President: Mary Margaret Williams; Vice President: Rob Yuschak; Road Captain: Don Williams; Membership: Debra Kimbrough; Secretary: Dana Morgan; Members at Large: Brent Jones, Doug Jensen, Robert Turner, and Rob Paull; Treasurer: Elizabeth Carter; Newsletter Editor: Jay Kirsch.

Also, the Return of the Little Red Riding Hood's fabulous duo committee: Penny Perkins and Linda Forbush.

With your vote, BCC will be "Providing Opportunties for Every Cyclist's Interest" from recreation, fitness, touring, commuting, racing, to just plain fun. We will also focus on bicycle advocacy, safety and a member's first philosophy.

Keep watch on the BCC blog for lots more to come.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Saul Raisin on the Bike & Brew

On behalf of Jeanne Allgood:

Doug Jensen and Saul Raisin

The first photo I took before I said cheese.  They look really intense, don't they?  Gee guys lighten up!

Doug Jensen and Saul Raisin smiling!

The second one I took with Saul's phone and is also on his web site Raisin Hope Foundation in the latest activity area.  It was a last chance for Doug (who had recently formed a friendship with Saul) to ride with Saul.  Unfortunately, Saul is moving away back to his home state of Georgia this weekend.  Last nights ride for me was a chance to say I actually rode with someone that was a one-in-a-million survivor of a brain injury, and a former high caliber racer.  He's a very down to earth nice guy.  Wish more of you could have talked with him.  If you get the chance check out his site and read about his story.  It's amazing, and really makes you thankful for what you have in your life.  I want to wish the best to Saul as he heads off to Georgia, and hope that he comes and visits us soon.  He'll have plenty of willing biking companions here for when he visits.


Jeanne Allgood

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lance Armstrong is Coming Back for 2009

If you haven't heard yet, Lance Armstrong officially announced his return to cycling. Check out his video at Lance's Comeback to Cycling in 2009. He said:

I am happy to announce that after talking with my children, my family and my closest friends, I have decided to return to professional cycling in order to raise awareness of the global cancer burden. This year alone, nearly eight million people will die of cancer worldwide. Millions more will suffer in isolation, victims not only of the disease but of social stigma. After the passage of Proposition 15 in Texas, a $3 billion investment in the fight against cancer which is helping to make this disease part of the national dialogue in America, it's now time to address cancer on a global level.

Unfortunately there are few videos to choose from on the web right now, but here's one from Bearssuck54 on YouTube...

Are you pumped yet?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Seven Hills of Park City - August 29, 2008

Well, this year it took me personally 2 days to get all 7 hills in, I had some problems after hill 5 on Saturday...Barb Hanson and I went back on Sunday to finish the last two climbs.  So, most all of the 18 people on the trip made all 7 hills on this lovely Friday in the mountains.  Here are some of the BCC folks on the ride -- mouseover the pix for their names, click the image for a larger view.


Kathy Campbell and Frank Steffey Suzanne McClenahan Elton Reid Tom Coffey Jay Kirsch Sigi Verhalen and Jane Tomb Barb Hanson and Diana Wright Gloria Leonard The group, stopped at Suzanne's Flat Tire

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Bonneville Cycling Club News Blog!

Today marks the creation of a club news site for the Bonneville Cycling Club. The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for club members to hang out online and discuss the latest news and events, and in general just have a good time.

Let's see if you can identify some of these people below.

Tour of Tucson - 2005

BCC Racing Team - Bear Lake 2008

Little Red Riding Hood - 2008

2007 Year End Banquet

Chalk Creek - 2002

We all like to hear what you have to say, so feel free to leave a comment or two. And if you'd like to author a post or two, just send me an email via bccnews23 (at) gmail (dot) com.